Increasing the size of a IDE disk in VMware Fusion

Part 3 - VMware fusion.

I've covered ESXi and VirtualBox, now I'll cover increasing disk size in VMware fusion:

  1. Power down the VM and increase the HDD size from settings
  2. Mount the LiveCD and choose "CD" as the boot device
  3. Increase the partition and choose the IDE HDD as the boot device

Step 1 - Increase HDD size

Fusion is entirely GUI based, so this is a pretty straightforward process:

Choose Hard Disk:

Change the size as desired:

Step 2: Mount the LiveCD and grow the partition

I use but you can use any liveCD you'd like.  These instructions assume the gparted ISO.

First go to CD/DVD and mount the LiveCD

After mounting go back and choose Startup Disk -> CD Drive and reset the VM.

It will boot into the LiveCD:

Double-Click the "Gparted" icon on the desktop to launch the utility.

Once in the utility, click /dev/sda2 (or whatever partition you are expanding) and then choose "Resize"

Drag the partition bar all the way to the right and then hit "Resize/Move"

Click "Apply"

Once the operation is complete remove the live CD and reboot the VM.  Once the VM powers up it will now have the new disk size!