In this post we will cover Hyper-V logical Switch Configuration and adding hosts to the Logical Switch.
-SCVMM 2012 R2 managing the hosts
-2012 R2-SCVMM 2012 R2 managing the hosts
Logical Switch Configuration
Logical Network Configuration
You can either use an existing logical network (I use ExternalSwitch in this example) or create a new one just for your logical switch.
Create the Network Site
Fabric -> Networking -> Logical Networks -> Properties
Create a network site and add the VLANs and subnets. You will need to put each VLAN in here that you want VMs to use.
Create an IP Pool
You only need to do this for the infrastructure. You will use these to assign temporary static addresses. If you have DHCP on your infrastructure VLAN you won't need this, but this guide assumes that you do not.
Choose the correct logical network and name the IP Pool
Select the site you created in the last step and the correct subnet. Fill out the rest of the wizard according to your network.
Uplink Configuration
Fabric -> Networking -> Port Profiles -> Create Hyper-V Port Profile
Since we are making an uplink port-profile select that radio button.
What should I choose for Load Balancing Algorithm and Teaming mode?
Load Balancing Algorithm is a tricky subject, as each one will perform better depending on the load. A good default is "Hyper-V Port" which means that all traffic out of that VM will use the same uplink
Teaming Mode on the other hand is easier. There are 3 modes:
Switch Independent - Use this if you connect to switches upstream without a port-channel
Switch Dependent - Use this if your upstream switches are stacked or support vPC (or MLAG) and use that technology
Switch Dependent - Use this if your upstream switches are stacked or support vPC (or MLAG) and use that technology
LACP - Use this if you want to negotiate the port-channel using LACP.
The two standard configurations would be:
Hyper-V Port -- Switch Independent. Upstream configuration would be standard trunk ports.
Address Hash -- LACP. Upstream configuration would be vPC/mLAG
Select your network Site. Make sure to use the correct Logical Network
Now that we've created our uplink PP, we need to create the logical switch.
Creating the Logical Switch
Fabric -> Networking -> Logical Switches -> Create Logical Switch
The first couple of pages are just the name and extensions. On this page choose Uplink Mode "team" and add the port-profile you created in the previous step.
Once you have this completed, you can add hosts to the basic switch we've created.